For carrying all the sounds into your ear and amplifying them, all hearing aids use the same basic components. Most of the hearing aids available in recent times are digital. The batteries that generally power the digital hearing aids also power these devices. Some of them use a rechargeable battery.
These hearing aids contain small microphones that collect all the sounds. These sounds are then amplified with the help of a computer chip, which converts sound inputs into digital codes. The sounds then go through the necessary analysis and adjustments according to your listening needs. The sounds also require analysis and adjustments based on your hearing loss and the level of sounds around you.
Once again, the conversion of all these amplified signals takes place before delivering them to your ears. They receive these sound waves through receivers or speakers. Here are some of the key things that you need to do before buying a hearing aid:
1. Go for a checkup
Consult your doctor to know about the causes of your hearing loss. In many cases, the culprit is an infection or earwax. You might want to get a hearing aid. In this case, it is necessary that an audiologist or a hearing specialist tests the device.
2. Ask your doctor to suggest a reputed audiologist
Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor to refer you to a reputed audiologist if you don’t know about one. An audiologist would assess all the important aspects of your hearing. The audiologist will also suggest you the most appropriate hearing aid. The device will then be subject to certain adjustments to meet your requirements.
3. Assess the future needs of your hearing aid
Don’t forget to ask whether your chosen hearing aid can be useful in the future. This is extremely important for you to know. It will assure you of your device’s performance if your hearing loss gets worse. Hearing aids usually perform well only for a certain period. You must make sure that they last for at least five years.
4. See if you can have a trial period
You’ll certainly need some time to make sure whether the device is right for you. Besides, it might also take you a while to familiarize yourself with the hearing aid. You can ask whether you can try out the device for a certain period. You must also ask whether you’ll have to pay a certain amount for the time of the trial.
5. Beware of any misleading information
Hearing aids can’t remove all the background noise. Neither can they restore normal hearing of an individual with a hearing loss. So, it is extremely important to beware of advertisements of hearing aids that make false claims. They may mislead people, claiming that the device can restore normal hearing or eliminate background noises.
6. Check the warranty
Make sure that the hearing aid you’ve purchased includes a warranty. It must cover parts and servicing for a specific period. Some of the providers of hearing aids might include professional services or office visits in the warranty terms.
7. Plan for the expenses
The cost of hearing aids vary. You’ll have to pay extra for remote controls, professional fees, accessories, and other options. If you’re concerned about the expenses, talk to your audiologist. This will help you in assessing your needs and planning for your expenses.
There are some private insurance policies that cover a certain portion or the entire cost of hearing aids. You might, therefore, want to check your policy for an assurance.